She walked down the isle of the grocery store. Talking to her husband and picking out shampoo. Just an ordinary evening. Noticing a gal coming down the isle opposite of her she noticed a familiar face. In this small little town it was quite common to run into another girlfriend, PTA member, Band Parent, Sports coach, Teacher, Pastor, anybody. But today the face is of someone distant, more defined than usual, almost like time elapsing appears out of no where. With every step of this known stranger, another glimpse of the past stood out. Every step a gasp was taken. Heart beating rapidly, but standing still almost motionless. Thump, one heart beat. The past creeping ever so near. Every foot step again so slow motion and meaningful. The face of the stranger, a sister, an aunt, a grandmother, a mom. In an instant she calls out to her. Are you Katherine? Is your name Katherine? The distant familiar face turns, she looks at her. Yes. Yes my name is Katherine and who might you be?
Stunned, almost with tears.She hugs this long lost shadow of her past. This stranger not knowing that she, without any idea or apprehension would become the very link to a story untold, a lost puzzle piece of life unfolded. Spontaneous combustion. Fireworks, explosions, demolition, Kaboom. Her being, her spirit has turned night to day and the past to future.
Her smile so familiar and yet so unknown changes the very course of Priscilla's direction in life and her desires of life as she once knew it. Changed at this precise moment. Tattered pieces suddenly fall into place.
Some twenty six years ago, Priscilla's mother has passed away leaving her to the challenges of a man left bitter, angry and cold. A world that over the course of the years would leave Priscilla in the tail winds of life. A grave left unattended, and a story yet to be completed.
This November day marks the day of celebration and excitement as Priscilla unveils the truths of her past and the love of her destiny.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Stampers Quest Blog week!!!!
I am so excited to be the blogger of the week at StampersQuest.
Hope you will follow me there and leave a comment or questions on my blog there at StampersQuest when my project gets posted there tomorrow!!!! :)
I really had a great time creating the project. I had a lot of difficulties with our internet losing connection this week. I want to thank Stephanie and Bea, for their continued encouragement and patience while I was uploading and editing my project! These guys ROCK~
A thank you goes out to my Stampin-Scrappin Nook yahoo group friends for their continued patience with me during my silence with in the group during my new transition and learning process while designing and editing my projects. NO Miss Lynn, I will not forget my friends or move on or away just because I am designing... I miss you all , and you are the base of who inspired me to create!!!! !!!
A wink goes out to Hewitt, Jo, Diana, Lynn, Polly and RoseAnn, who kept "PUSHING ME" to design and go outside the box. You are the "Stickles" of my life!!!!
Now go tomorrow to see what I've created over at StampersQuest and let me know what you think!!!!
Hope you will follow me there and leave a comment or questions on my blog there at StampersQuest when my project gets posted there tomorrow!!!! :)
I really had a great time creating the project. I had a lot of difficulties with our internet losing connection this week. I want to thank Stephanie and Bea, for their continued encouragement and patience while I was uploading and editing my project! These guys ROCK~
A thank you goes out to my Stampin-Scrappin Nook yahoo group friends for their continued patience with me during my silence with in the group during my new transition and learning process while designing and editing my projects. NO Miss Lynn, I will not forget my friends or move on or away just because I am designing... I miss you all , and you are the base of who inspired me to create!!!! !!!
A wink goes out to Hewitt, Jo, Diana, Lynn, Polly and RoseAnn, who kept "PUSHING ME" to design and go outside the box. You are the "Stickles" of my life!!!!
Now go tomorrow to see what I've created over at StampersQuest and let me know what you think!!!!
just a thought

I have to share with you that this has been such a hard last several months. I know I have been pretty quiet here on the home front and apologize for my absence.
Back in April I lost my dad. .. it was such a very very difficult time. I really clammed up from it.
Dad died of a staph infection he had gotten after a very long bout of Cancer. I never got to see him cuz I was forbid to. That stung something fierce.
His wife wouldn't allow me to the hospital, the nursing home, hospice or anything.
When he died... she had him cremated right away and did not hold a funeral.
We are still in the midst of possibly going to Texas as we have not heard back from the company that is out of Alliance/Mt. Hope that Roger had applied for. He has not received a letter yet that it was filled so it is still up in the air. He checks periodically and nothing has been decided. Its been over 3 weeks now.
I do have to say that after having spent the past 3 months working for the Metro Housing authority and being one of the front desk receptionists taking applications, re-certification appointments, fingerprint schedules and the list goes on that I have been flooded with stories of folks being homeless,I am exhausted from the stories. My heart weighs heavy for these folks and though they do not know it, a prayer is sent up for each and every one of them. Most would say it is quite depressing or for some just callous to their needs. But I have been homeless in my life as well and I also know what it feels like not to have food in my cupboard and not knowing where I was going to get milk for my babies bottles. I know what it feels like to live in a homeless shelter and I know what it feels like to be not only abused by a spouse but by the system that was supposed to be helping me.
I lift up my prayers for the workers, the compassionate ones and for the ones that have gotten burned out on all the stories and have become callous to them so that they can continue to do the job.
Both sides of the fence need to have the understanding of the situation they both are going through. Being homeless or working to help someone else not be homeless. Hearing the stories or Living the story. We all need to be compassionate towards each others differences.
I had one of the clients tell me she was homeless with 1 little child, living out of the car. When I gave her the information packet on the shelters in the area she was rather nasty , lifting her voice and yelling. " You don't have a clue what its like to be homeless with kids, or not know when you are eating , or have clothes on your back. You don't know what it is like to be fearful of losing your children"
I just looked at her and said... with tears in my eyes...soft and passionately, " yes I do... I have been there with my youngest son, and my other children going to their dad while I spent 3 months in the shelter... oh yes.. I do know what it feels like to be penniless, food-less and homeless..!" She stopped... she looked at me with tears and said... "so how do you do it????"
I replied with a smile, "With a song in your heart and a whisper of a prayer and meals every day at the shelter! You just do it! And you thank your maker for everyday that you have and you find something good to thank him for... and you just do it again... everyday!"
She took the paper and gave a very small smile... while still crying... and me still crying... and I promised to pray for her!!!
MY heart weighs soooo heavy for them and for this young gal and ask that you too lift up a prayer.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
StampersQuest has published more creative artwork. Among the great talent is my very own card creation of a Lighthouse.
click here to see my card
Lighthouses are something that Joshua and I had shared during a very rough time in our lives. It helped us focus on the important things and it reminded us that with God there is always hope....
Please share in my excitement and come see my card!
Leave a comment here and there if you would please so I know you were there...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Operation Barnabas

"Operation Barnabas teams are developed to give growing Christian senior high youth such a thirst for ministry, that upon their return, they will have a greater desire to serve Christ in their lives."
"When Barnabas arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad. And encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. He was a good man. Full of the Holy Spirit and faith. And a great number of people were brought to the Lord."
Acts 11:23 and 24.
My son Joshua is on a Leadership Missions trip that will run for 6 weeks. He has just completed his 2nd week on tour.
He just turned 18 on June 19th and he got to call me. I was so excited! It was our 1st birthday celebration away from each other. We all learn to sacrifice and here in the picture on my sons birthday he is serving the Lord! I could not be prouder of him and of his team member Stephanie too! I am excited for the Colonial Team and ask that you keep them all(all of the Operation Barnabas teams) in prayer!!!
On Tuesday, Josh called me and told me he was in the ER with a busted lip. He had fallen at the Skate Park where the team was doing missions work. I know that he must have been a bit discouraged over having gotten hurt but I know that through it all God makes good of things that seem so bad. I know that somewhere in his travels that fall will be one of the grandest stories he will be sharing. God does make good of everything bad! He promised that if we keep the faith!
I was a bit frantic when he called but through Joshua's voice on the phone and how calm he was that Brother Dan was taking good care of him as well as our Lord! I set my fears to the side and though I am still just a bit worried about his teeth, I know that through this venture Joshua will be taken care of!
I miss you Joshua and can't wait to hear about all your stories!!!! I LOVE YOU ~ mom~
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Want to Trade ATC's?
Welcome to my ATC creations! These are just a sampling of ATC that were made over the past week. I enjoy trading ATC cards and hope that you enjoy them too.
Want to trade ATC's ( the current ATC are already traded) but if there is one you like I can try and recreate it! Leave a comment and how I can contact you and we can set up a trade!

Notice the webbing on the side. Picked that yellow webbing up at Lowes. Clearance $.69. What a steal!!!! (found in the carpet tool sections)

Want to trade ATC's ( the current ATC are already traded) but if there is one you like I can try and recreate it! Leave a comment and how I can contact you and we can set up a trade!

Notice the webbing on the side. Picked that yellow webbing up at Lowes. Clearance $.69. What a steal!!!! (found in the carpet tool sections)

These are ATC's that I have created! I used a combination of Stampscapes, Art Impression, UsArtQuest Mica Vintage watercolors, various other stamps and tools!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Mothers Day Tribute

Happy Mothers Day
Happy Mothers Day to all who have ever held a child in their arms. To Mothers everywhere that never got to hold their child in their arms. And for all those Moms who would love to hold their child again in their arms. Today is your day... our day to celebrate the love that we have so deep in our hearts for the children of our lives.
When my son was growing up we said a bible verse every night.
Matthew 19:14 NIV
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Though this is Moms day... it is our children we want next to us to celebrate it!
Dancing in the Pansies
I danced in the garden with the fairies all about
prancing and swinging and voices of shout
the pansies were purple with yellow so bright
truly dear mother it twas a grand sight.
I smile at the flowers, the roses and ferns
but it is you my dear mother that my heart so does yearn
so while dancing and prancing in the Pansies you loved
we will sing praises and joy to the heavens above
That today is the day, my mother above
where my memories are fond of the mom I so loved
though tomorrow they will come as they do every day
today and forever and always will stay!
author ~ Betsy Chaplin~ 05-03-2010
A loving tribute to my mother Evelyn, who slipped away from us December 21, 1984.
I miss you mom!
Happy Mothers Day to you!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
My Dad!
49+ years ago I met my dad! He was there when I first came into this world. He never let me forget that either.. ( I brought you into this world. I can take you out of it) OH what big words but oh how I loved to have my hand in his... Big.. warm.. secure but always gentle.
Dad is getting ready to leave this world and as I grew up I learned that the only father that can really take you out of this world is our heavenly father. I remember our trips to church and learning who our heavenly father was and all about his world, Heaven.
So God, our heavenly father... with all your strength, your big warm and secure hands that are ever so gentle... raise my daddy up to your world and don't let him kick and scream going out of this one. Just a small request from me.
I was just told recently by my sister that we are going to be granted some of the cremation ashes of our dad when he passes.. (Lord please don't let him suffer any longer and take him to be with you soon) and though having ashes just isn't my cup of tea, I shared that we really should dig a ditch and kick his "ash" in it.
OH he would be laughing now as you see... my Daddy was a Drainage Contractor and best known as a "Ditch Digger". YEP I Am a ditch diggers daughter, I worked right beside him for years, and proud of it!!! I seriously can feel him laughing... oh he has such humor!
A lot of commotion has happened in the past 20 years and regardless of what some folks have said... Dean England was my daddy, my hero.. one of the best friends I could ever have. I love him truly more then he will ever know.
He taught me what truth was, and taught me to be straight forward and no shooting from the hip! I became very much like him and that my friends has scared the bajeebies out of me I can tell you! Sometimes... it is best to just lay low, quiet and humble... I am learning!!!
Daddy is leaving soon and though I have not been permitted to see him in over 2 years, never ever has my love for him failed.I did not always like him but I do love him! I was his shadow in the fields, and he led me to love nature and all its seasons.
Spring has always been one of his favorite times. He loves the crispness of the cool spring mornings. He loves listening to the birds return and always pointed out the new babies in the field. A rabbit, a fawn, a calf. He loves the clouds, and he loved the smell of new turned soil.
Daddy may you soon return to the soil that you loved so well and to the skies that you were so fond of. I will follow you when it is my time and we will walk together in Eternity, and enjoy the smell of the soil together!
I love you as I have always loved you and that my dear father can never be taken away!!!
Dad is getting ready to leave this world and as I grew up I learned that the only father that can really take you out of this world is our heavenly father. I remember our trips to church and learning who our heavenly father was and all about his world, Heaven.
So God, our heavenly father... with all your strength, your big warm and secure hands that are ever so gentle... raise my daddy up to your world and don't let him kick and scream going out of this one. Just a small request from me.
I was just told recently by my sister that we are going to be granted some of the cremation ashes of our dad when he passes.. (Lord please don't let him suffer any longer and take him to be with you soon) and though having ashes just isn't my cup of tea, I shared that we really should dig a ditch and kick his "ash" in it.
OH he would be laughing now as you see... my Daddy was a Drainage Contractor and best known as a "Ditch Digger". YEP I Am a ditch diggers daughter, I worked right beside him for years, and proud of it!!! I seriously can feel him laughing... oh he has such humor!
A lot of commotion has happened in the past 20 years and regardless of what some folks have said... Dean England was my daddy, my hero.. one of the best friends I could ever have. I love him truly more then he will ever know.
He taught me what truth was, and taught me to be straight forward and no shooting from the hip! I became very much like him and that my friends has scared the bajeebies out of me I can tell you! Sometimes... it is best to just lay low, quiet and humble... I am learning!!!
Daddy is leaving soon and though I have not been permitted to see him in over 2 years, never ever has my love for him failed.I did not always like him but I do love him! I was his shadow in the fields, and he led me to love nature and all its seasons.
Spring has always been one of his favorite times. He loves the crispness of the cool spring mornings. He loves listening to the birds return and always pointed out the new babies in the field. A rabbit, a fawn, a calf. He loves the clouds, and he loved the smell of new turned soil.
Daddy may you soon return to the soil that you loved so well and to the skies that you were so fond of. I will follow you when it is my time and we will walk together in Eternity, and enjoy the smell of the soil together!
I love you as I have always loved you and that my dear father can never be taken away!!!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
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