"Operation Barnabas teams are developed to give growing Christian senior high youth such a thirst for ministry, that upon their return, they will have a greater desire to serve Christ in their lives."
"When Barnabas arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad. And encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. He was a good man. Full of the Holy Spirit and faith. And a great number of people were brought to the Lord."
Acts 11:23 and 24.
My son Joshua is on a Leadership Missions trip that will run for 6 weeks. He has just completed his 2nd week on tour.
He just turned 18 on June 19th and he got to call me. I was so excited! It was our 1st birthday celebration away from each other. We all learn to sacrifice and here in the picture on my sons birthday he is serving the Lord! I could not be prouder of him and of his team member Stephanie too! I am excited for the Colonial Team and ask that you keep them all(all of the Operation Barnabas teams) in prayer!!!
On Tuesday, Josh called me and told me he was in the ER with a busted lip. He had fallen at the Skate Park where the team was doing missions work. I know that he must have been a bit discouraged over having gotten hurt but I know that through it all God makes good of things that seem so bad. I know that somewhere in his travels that fall will be one of the grandest stories he will be sharing. God does make good of everything bad! He promised that if we keep the faith!
I was a bit frantic when he called but through Joshua's voice on the phone and how calm he was that Brother Dan was taking good care of him as well as our Lord! I set my fears to the side and though I am still just a bit worried about his teeth, I know that through this venture Joshua will be taken care of!
I miss you Joshua and can't wait to hear about all your stories!!!! I LOVE YOU ~ mom~