My favorite hobby is art.. anything artwork... so I belong to a couple of online graphic groups and love making Tags.
I AM A PSP ADDICT! (Paintshop Pro that is)
My first Blog... whoo hooo We have 2 dogs..
Fritz about 7 months old - terrier mix and is a Shelter Rescue about 55#
Missy about 6 months old - dachshund, springer spaniel mix adopted as well. about 8#
these two are absolutly inseperable. We call Missy "Fritz's interactive chew toy".
Missy is the dominant one of the two and rules the roost for sure!
Little Miss Princess indeed!
Joshua made Bisquick Impossible Cheeseburger Pie tonight... how scrumptious...
Do you have a favorite Impossible Pie recipe you would like to share?
Joshua is 14, loves/plays football and plays alto and bari saxophone in the band.
Yipee... we survived another football/band season and two playoff games.. Gooooo team!!!!
I recently remarried and have a most Stupendous husband.. a true Christian!
We met on the internet... it was love at first BYTE!
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